2025 Exhibitions
Human Expression in Marble
10 December 2024 - 9 February 2025
Exhibition curated by Elena Murgia, featuring works made by students and Usama Alnassar himself during his Intensive Marble Carving Workshops.
This exhibition aims to celebrate the work of students and guest marble carving teacher Usama Alnassar. The theme is timeless, the human expression trapped in a stone or released from it.
From figurative works to some degree of abstraction in a couple of small-scale torsos, these sculptures capture the eloquence of representation. The exhibition showcases the carving process from refined to unfinished pieces, inviting the viewer to both look at the intermediate phases where possible alternatives can be considered, and to simply engage with the beauty of the medium itself as the figure emerges from its roughness.
Elena Murgia, Clara Street Gallery Curator
Exhibition featured: Usama Alnassar, Helen Alajajian, Wendy Black, Jennifer Do, Simon Gandevia, Amanda Harrison, Tina Koutsoullis, Virginia Lloyd-Tait, Liselle Mei, Anthony Mitchell, Brendan Toole, Letitia Tunmore, Bridget Whitehead, Martin Williams, Merridth Zagami. Not all work pictured.